Monday, August 4, 2008

Rock band guitar strum bar mod

Repost from old Forum.

The "squishy" strum bar on the Rock Band guitar has always bothered me. So, I decided to do something about it.

I took the switch from the button of a computer mouse and mounted it into the strum mechanism to get that nice, tactile "click" that the Guitar Hero guitar has. I've only done one side so far, but it works and I really only strum down anyway.

The switches from the mouse circled above.

Here it is mounted.

As a backup mechanism, I re-soldered the wires for the "Back" button to act as a strum button as well. Just in case we break the strum mechanism I've mounted - we don't have to stop rocking to repair the controller.

EDIT: Someone has done a MUCH better mod, I'm going to have to find and tear apart a GH2 controller to replicate it, but it'll be well worth it. More info HERE


Anonymous said...

BADASS! I need to get a soldering iron and try this