Thursday, August 14, 2008

DMB Concert Pics

Here they are! Pictures from the concert. It was a great show - probably one of the best I've ever seen. We had a pretty good spot up close. The only problem was that my wife had a tough time seeing the stage as we had the equivalent of the 1996 Harlem Globetrotters in front of us. I even had to lean around a dude's dome every once in a while (and I'm 6'5!).

I figured security would be tight so I didn't even bother trying to smuggle in my camera. Turns out, security was a joke. I could have made it through with 4 illegal immigrants stuffed in my shirt.

The pictures were taken with my Blackberry so even though they're only 2MP, they turned out pretty good.

To get a full screen slide show click here


AmberParnell said...

Great Concert!! So much fun!!!!

CT said...

ahhem....Remember who I took the last time I got 2 free concert tickets? out for karma sell out